I got a "Cannot write output to stream ..." when using Zend_Log and Zend_Log_Writer_Stream. I have been frustrated by this problem for several long hours, and the cause is because I created a new logger instance in a local variable inside a method of a lot objects. If that sounds confusing, this is the example problem: To solve the problem, I had to do this:
Annoying, but that's the workaround that works.
If I have the choice I definitely prefer SLF4J.
class Car { public function drive() { $logger = Zend_Log::factory(/*some config*/); ... } }
class Car { protected static $_logger; protected static function getLogger() { if (!self::$_logger) self::$_logger = Zend_Log::factory(/*some config*/); return self::$_logger; } public function drive() { $logger = self::getLogger(); ... } }
Annoying, but that's the workaround that works.
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